How do I input a linear equation?
Input your equation using the virtual keyboard and tap

to obtain the result.
You can
input whole numbers, decimals, fractions, x (variable), and
operation symbols.
Example 1. Solving the equation
2x - 1.5 = 3x + 2
Example 2. Solving the equation
Example 3. Solving the equation
Example 4. Solving the equation
2x + 3.5 =
- (4x + 5)
Example 5. Solving the equation
(x + 1)(2x + 1) = (x + 3)(2x + 3) - 14
Example 6. Solving the equation
3(x - 7.2) - 2(9 - 4(2 - x)) = 3
Example 7. Solving the equation
(0.4x + 0.9)/0.5
(x - 5)/2
+ 1
Example 8. Solving the equation
3.5 = 10x - 1
Example 9. Solving the equation
4x + 5 = 3.5x